
Oh my goodness, all the genus things from Skinfair!
I have so many notes, so this might seem a little oddly explained, but i’m going to give this a shot.

Starting with Genus, you’ll need to figure out what kind of face shape you want. The face is delivered as a base – there are no eyes, lips or noses on this base, it’s literally an entirely flat mesh head that made me think of ‘grey aliens’ haha. Currently there’s three face shapes, shown above. They’re Triangle, Square and Oval. I’m using Triangle base in all following pictures.

There are five eyeshapes available for the morph heads, all shown above. I’m using the ALMOND shape in all following pictures. It’s worth remembering that these eyes are shown using one shape, and other shapes could accentuate the features you like in a better way.

There are four current nose types available. In all future pictures I will be using the Aqualine, top left. This is the feature that I was most excited for. As someone who thoroughly enjoys multiple looks, i find nose shape to be the thing that i can base an entire shape upon.

There’s four lip styles, but i’m a derp and I’ve added the pierced version twice. The top left is the pierced version with an add on lip piercing, and the bottom right is the pierced lip without the add on. From hereon, i’ll be using the lip piercing lips, with the added piercing.

There’s six ear options. None of these are meshed to the head base and all work as separate attachments. I’m using the medium gauge option.

Above is a picture of all three of the genus pages on the hud.

There’s also a settings page that pops out of all of the pages on the hud.

Here’s some thoughts as an EVOX user.

* Genus has a 4k and a BoM option for their skins. As a regular person, I don’t see any difference between the 4k and the BoM. There may however be a difference when it comes to creating these skins, and I’m sure it allows a greater amount of detail. I’m willing to accept that I’m just an ignorant here.
* Genus does not use the EVOX Map. All of those BoM items you got rid of 6 months ago because you thought Genus wasn’t coming back, are now essential for you to create looks. You cannot use your EVOX BOM Makeup & tattoos for this head.
* In creating this post, I used 10 attachment points with Genus alone. If you’re someone that uses MANY attachments on a regular basis, I think there needs to be some serious thought put into this head before you purchase it.
* In the older versions of Genus that I used to wear pre-update (strong, baby, strange etc), the lashes would weirdly hover in front of the eyes when you made them larger. This issue doesn’t seem to have been resolved for this version of Genus heads.
* The hud is much more responsive than I expected, however, I found it to be a big learning curve when I’m used to Lelutka huds. I feel like this is to be expected on purchasing a new head, but it depends on your patience levels!
* I wonder how this new way of creating faces is going to affect making shapes and skins for Genus. Are there TOO MANY options to make this a ‘creator friendly’ experience? Take just the noses alone, if someone wears a ‘button’ nose skin on an ‘aqualine’ nose shape, will the idea be lost?
* When using the tint options on the hud, it absolutely affected the level of detail in the texture. Genus DOES have the materials layers as options too – which on full graphics and in the right settings would negate that issue, but I wonder how many people are wandering around SL on full graphics all the time.
* When creating a shape, it’s not as ‘easy’ to get different looks as it is with Lelutka, who with EVOX have offered us an expansion of our shape sliders. Genus definitely doesn’t have the same optimization, but what I really enjoyed was the way changing the shape of my eyebrows ONLY affected my eyebrows. Changing the shape of my eyes ONLY affected my eyes – and i’m guessing that’s a bonus of having the ‘add ons’ as separated parts.
* There seems to be limited animations, in that there’s only the one button that does a generic animation that you cannot pick from a menu. I can’t make my avatar blink without the animation being on, and I don’t actually enjoy the only animation available.

Aesthetically and photographically, Genus is bloody gorgeous.
I’m sure i’ve missed some thoughts, but really the only option is for you to try out a demo yourself, and see if it’s something that you would want to switch to on a more permanent basis.
I’m really grateful to have had the opportunity to trial this head, and I’ll be keeping her in my inventory for further updates. I’m hoping at some point there might be a way to link all your Genus parts to your head, under one attachment point (or at least a lot less than ten!). I did try to rez the bits to link, but they’re no modify and let’s face it, probably rightly so.

The skin I’m using is also from Genus, and you can find the tones of that below. They all match with the Velour Picasso tones.

Make it a beautiful day, Spoonies. You’re worth it.

All of the things :

Head : GENUS MORPH – Head Preset – Megapack – Female – v1.0 @ The SkinFair 2024
I wear : GENUS MORPH – Head Base Triangle – v1.0
GENUS MORPH – LipMorph Natural Pierced – v1.0
GENUS MORPH – Labret Ring – Slver – Lipmorph Natural Piercing
GENUS MORPH – Teeth/Tongue – v1.0
GENUS MORPH – NoseMorph Aqualine – v1.0
GENUS MORPH – Eyes – v1.0 – Default Rigged
GENUS MORPH – EyeMorph Almond – v1.0
GENUS MORPH – Ears Human – Medium Tunnels – Female – v1.0
GENUS MORPH – Earplug – Silver – Medium Tunnels – Female v1.0
Shape : .zombae. Ava shape – Genus Morph
Skin : GENUS Skin /GIA – FATPACK @ The SkinFair 2024
Face things : .zombae. Bits – SLUV/Genus Morph
Eyes : {S0NG} Henna V2 Eyes
Hair & Hairbase : ItGirls x Wasabi – BOSSY Hairbase+Ponytail

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