
Well hello there!
Adorsy has released this cute outfit at Cosmopolitan, so run grab this immediately!
AAAAAND, maybe you’ll want to grab these adorable, lightly animated poses from OMY for your AO too?

Make it a beautiful day, Spoonies. You’re worth it.

All of the things :

Head : LeLUTKA Billie head @ The Skin Fair
Shape : .zombae. Leigh Shape – Lelutka Billie
Eyes : .MILA. Seraphin Eyes
Skin : . Nar Mattaru . Nellie Skin {Evo X}
Cheeks : Izzie’s – Hollow Cheeks (Evo X BOM) @ Anthem
Hair : TRUTH Dare
Tattoo : .zombae. starsign tattoo – gemini
Outfit : adorsy – Bizzy SET @ Cosmopolitan

Poses : OMY Roslyn @ Anthem

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